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Guestbook Entries (2948)

I am a children's book writer in North Carolina, and I write a blog called Words at Work and Play in Books for Children and Young Adults. I'm writing to let you know that I mentioned your book Betsy Who Cried Wolf in a blog post called Words of Promise: Oaths, Vows, Promises, and Pledges in Children’s Books. You can see the blog post here:

Now that I've discovered your blog, I will come back to explore more. Thank you so much for generously sharing your experience and expertise with the world!
# 2943 - Melanie Scheller 03/24/2024 - 18:03 - City: - State: - Country:
Abby, I suggest you post your questions on the latest page of the blog.
How long the writing takes depends on the book. Some are harder to write than others--but, generally, one to four years. Many writers are faster than I am.
# 2942 - Gail Carson Levine 03/10/2024 - 13:33 - City: - State: New York - Country:
Dear Gail
Thank you so much! I saw your post, and I was wondering what page on this blog I could post more questions on. I was also wondering how long it took you to write a book. I want to make sure I'm not lagging!
# 2941 - Abby 03/06/2024 - 21:19 - City: Abilene - State: Texas - Country: USA
Allie, I've written two how-to's on writing, WRITING MAGIC and WRITER TO WRITER, which you may find helpful. Also, you may find help on my blog, which is right here on my website.

Abby, I suggest you post your questions on my blog. I'm not writing more posts, but I'll see them, and I'll try to find time to answer as much as I can. Also, other writers check the blog, and they may have ideas for you too.
# 2940 - Gail Carson Levine 03/01/2024 - 13:49 - City: - State: New York - Country:
Dear Gail
I was wondering if there was an email address or house address that i could send a letter or email to. I want to be a writer, and i have so many questions about writing, especially character development. I've read both of your writing books, but i still have some questions i'd like to ask. You inspire me so much. Thank you!
# 2939 - Abby 02/29/2024 - 18:41 - City: Abilene - State: Texas - Country: USA

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